Digital Toothy ® Task Cards – an original idea from Angie Olson at Lucky Little Learners, LLC.
Digital Toothy ® Task Cards are a fun option to practice and review reading concepts using a device. Devices that are compatible with this digital resource are iPads™, Chromebooks™, laptops, and desktop computers.
Digital Toothy Task cards do work with Google Classroom and SeeSaw. They can also be shared in Canvas, Class Dojo, or simply email the link. Step by step video and printed directions are shared inside the product.
There are 16 different reading sets included in this bundle. Each reading concept includes a passage along with text-dependent questions that focus on the skill being practiced. These digital reading task cards are self-correcting and self-paced. They provide a fun incentive to stay focused on the reading task by offering the ability to add a tooth in Toothy’s mouth for every correct answer.
Digital Toothy® Task Cards are a great option for your students to use as centers, early finishers, morning work, or even Digital Learning Days!
- Character (sets 1-4)
- Compare & Contrast (sets 1-4)
- Figurative Language (sets 1-4)
- Illustrations (sets 1-4)
- Moral of the Story (sets 1-4)
- Point of View (sets 1-4)
- Stories, Poems, Dramas (sets 1-4)
- Text Evidence (sets 1-4)
- Cause & Effect (sets 1-4)
- Compare & Contrast (sets 1-4)
- Illustrations & Text Features (sets 1-4)
- Main Idea & Details (sets 1-4)
- Sequence & Steps (sets 1-4)
- Text Evidence (sets 1-4)
- Text Structure (sets 1-4)
- Vocabulary (sets 1-4)
How does the game work?
Students read a passage on a digital task card within every skill. For every passage that is read, there are questions to go with it that focus on the reading strategy being practiced. Then they choose the answer from three choices. If the answer is correct, a tooth gets placed in Toothy’s mouth. If the answer is not correct, they go back to the problem to solve again.
What kind of devices are compatible with Digital Toothy®?
Digital Toothy® works great with iPads™, laptops, desktops, and Chromebooks™. This file has two digital versions. PowerPoint™ will work on the iPad™ with the free PowerPoint app (no sign-in required). This file is also provided in the form of Google Slides™ for Google Classroom™. We have been told that this can work for Kindles™ through sharing the Google Slides™ link through SeeSaw™ but we haven’t tested this.
Can I check their answers?
We recommend using the recording sheets that are provided if you want to grade this activity. We have also included answer keys for every skill set.
Can more than one student play at the same time?
Yes! One license will provide your entire class to all play these games at the same time.
If I already own a printable Toothy® Bundle, how do I upgrade?
We will keep the cost of the digital bundle low to allow for an affordable additional product if you already own the printable version.
**Please download the preview file for a full explanation of what’s included in this resource.
If you’d prefer to use the printable version of these task cards, we have them for a wide range of grade levels and concepts.
Copyright © Lucky Little Learners, LLC.
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display.
If you have any questions about this resource, please contact me at
Sophie E. –
I am using the digital toothy resources with some of my students over the summer and they love it! These resources are amazing and highly recommended!
Leia B. –
This is a FUN way for students to practice their skills in a game like setting! All toothy is a major hit with my kiddos!! Thank you!
Kimberlee P. –
Worked fantastic for my distant learners. They really enjoyed getting their mouths filled in with the teeth to show they competed the activity.
Rosalie S. –
I love ALL of the other Toothy digital sets so even though we are already out of school, I decided to buy these for next year. My students LOVE Toothy. 🙂
Megan Brown –
I have been going through these and setting them up for this coming school year. I love the printable version so these will be awesome to add into my repertoire. As well as I love the other toothy digital activities.
Anthony S. –
I have used this resource with my 2nd graders and they loved it. I borrowed some of the toothy products from a friend to see how well my students liked it and to also see if I wanted to purchase it. I will be teaching a 2/3 combo so I knew I wanted to get it for my third graders.
Gary K. –
I have used this resource with my 2nd graders and they loved it. I borrowed some of the toothy products from a friend to see how well my students liked it and to also see if I wanted to purchase it. I will be teaching a 2/3 combo so I knew I wanted to get it for my third graders.
Melissa S. –
My kids are always the testers for me, resource is great. have the print version as well. My students love these when we are in school.
Araceli Villareal –
I used this digital resource to tutor my friends child. She loved it! I can not wait to use this resource with my class in the fall. Great resource!
Erica T. –
I love Toothy and have used it in my classroom in centers. So excited now to use it digitally! Thank you for all the time you put into such a great product!
Megan N. –
It has been difficult to re-purpose some of my centers from class for distance learning, but this resource has helped tremendously! No more searching and recreating! Thank you!
Ariana M. –
my favorite product! plan on getting the digital as well but while we are distance learning this is a great resource for small groups and independent work!
Stickies and Sharpies –
My kids LOVE toothy and this year giving it to them virtually was the best thing ever! They love the review and practice! Thank so much for making these!
Jessica O. –
This is amazing my kids love learning my toothy. They have so much eagerness to learn with these short little reading passages.
Brittany Phelps –
I absolutely love this resource, especially for distance learning! Not only is it super cute, but it is excellent practice that the students can complete independently. This would be great for in-person as well.
Jennifer M. –
Students love this online version better than the printables. They love watching the teeth go into the mouth as they get questions correct. Love all these!
Teaching and Learning with Giggles –
Thank you! This is perfect! We are face to face right now, but are required to practice using Google Classroom daily and were even asked to do a mock full virtual day…these were PERFECT for that! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!
Ginger W. –
My students love these! I love how they give instant feedback on whether or not they are correct. They have played each one we have done multiple times and even have asked to play it again!!!
Kendra Linley –
A great resource! I have both the digital and printable. Can’t wait to use the digital version with my students. Thank you!
Gail Kearney –
My students have really enjoyed using these slides. They have been learning a lot and have been actively engaged in the lessons.
Serena B. –
I love Toothy Resources! So easy to use via Google meet or assign via Google Classroom. I also love how many different sets there are for each skill in this pack!
Jasmine R. –
We love Toothy activities. It is great to have as a digital resource to assign students who are either in person or doing distance learning!
Kimberly J. –
This is a great resource and extra practice for my students with disabilities. I appreciate that there is a read aloud feature built in.
A Cup of Teaching –
My students love using this resource to practice their skills! Every time they earn a full set of teeth, they are so excited!
Lauren O. –
I have loved using this resource, and so have my students! I teach in a multi-grade classroom and need an independent station. This is perfect for that. It is also good practice for my students to get onto Google Classroom incase we end up working remotely again.
Maria C. –
I use this resource with my highest 2nd Graders and it has been incredible! I LOVE the digital option! Thank you so much!! 🙂
Cathleen H. –
I have moved from 2nd to 3rd to 4th in back-to-back years. I have been lucky to have a lot of the same students. They were used to using Toothy in centers, so the transition to digital was easy for most of them since they already knew the concept. We all love Toothy!
Sheree J. –
All the Toothy products are wonderful. It’s a fun and engaging way for my students to practice their skills or review before a test. The digital version keeps them safely in their space with no shared materials, and allows my quarantined students to participate as well.
Cathy H. –
If the resource is from Lucky Little Learners buy with confidence! What I like about having the digital format is the flexibility it offers. I have been able to use them with my own children, with individual students and even as a whole class. Thanks.
Nikki F. –
I LOVE Toothy as a fun and engaging way to practice so many skills! Great product in digital or in print! This is great for extending the learning of higher leveled students!
Theresa D. –
Digital reading comprehension Toothy has been perfect for distance learning! My 3rd graders love how fun it is, and the level of rigor in this product is just right. Thanks a million!
Yvette F. –
This resources is a MUST for distance learning! My students are having fun while practicing important skills. I have used this in both zoom sessions and assigned it to students for independent work. Once we are back in school for in-person instruction, this will also be helpful. Thank you!
Stephanie C. –
This resource was highly engaging for my 3rd grade students. I was able to add it to my Canvas module for the students to have access to. I love that the students found it engaging as well as having plenty of stories per set to have my students practice skills.
Tiffany L. –
My students LOVE to do the TOOTHY activities. What I have been doing is “publishing it to the web” so then the students can click through it, it is just easier than creating a copy for each student. This will be great once we are back in school, as I will be able to have their score sheet to see how they are doing.
Jamie B. –
My students begged me to get this after using the Toothy Grammar activities. These created so much engagement in the content! Thank you so much!
Tiffany C. –
My students love using the digital Toothys! They are a great way to start class, an excellent center and a great way to check for understanding. My kids get so excited when we do this!
Cyderia G. –
I used this at the beginning of the school year to transition students from 2nd to 3rd grade and to allow them to practice with a text before taking the AR Quiz.
Angela A G. –
These are great for the differentiation required by my students. These are great for reviewing previously taught standards and to reinforce standards currently being taught. The students and their parents enjoy them, and the students ask to do more. Not having to create these are a great time saver.
Thankful for Teaching –
I used this last year, pre-COVID days as well as this year teaching remotely. They scan nicely into the computer so I can put it as a background on a google slide for students to complete. They upload into Seesaw nicely this way as well.
Brenda C. –
This resource is amazing! My kiddos love working on these toothy sets and they stay engaged the whole time. Everything is so well organized and well thought out. Thank you for creating this!
Mary Ann Miller –
My students LOVE this resource and I LOVE that they are begging to practice their skills! AMAZING resource! My one regret is not buying it sooner!
Staci B. –
I have the paper versions of all of the task cards for 1-3 grades. I finally broke down and bought the 3rd grade digital cards. I’m hoping to purchase the other grade levels a bit at a time so I can easily differentiate. Great resource!
Jennifer M. –
We love Toothy! All of the Toothy resources I have purchased have been absolutely wonderful. My students enjoy completing the activities. It is something I can assign in Google Classroom that my students can complete on their own.
Kenneth Mae Mitchell –
Always love the toothy activities. The kids love watching teeth appear on the digital versions and adding teeth on the paper ones! They make for great practice or review.
Gretchen L. –
Always love the toothy activities. The kids love watching teeth appear on the digital versions and adding teeth on the paper ones! They make for great practice or review.
Gretchen L. –
Always love the toothy activities. The kids love watching teeth appear on the digital versions and adding teeth on the paper ones! They make for great practice or review.
Rachel Arms –
I’m obsessed with Toothy and lucky for me so are my students!!! It’s so engaging and easy to use. I love the digital format because it saves me so much prep time and with distance learning I always had something to rely on.
Kathryn Houck –
I love this resource so much in second, I immediately purchased these for 3rd when I found out I was looping up.. These are great for skill drill practice.
Kimberly Chavez –
This kids love using Toothy and I love using it when I need them to work on an independent activity when I am conducting a small group.
Justine D. –
This is an excellent resource for 3rd graders! Students are engaged and it’s easy for the teacher too. Kids beg to play! That’s when you know you have a winner!
Stacy H. –
I really thought my 3rd graders would think this is too young for them, but I couldn’t have been more wrong. They asked for Toothy ALL THE TIME. Thanks!
Desarie M. –
Added these to my Distance Learning Slides and used Pear Deck for the students for respond. Quick was to check for understanding and great practice.
Kristen H. –
My students enjoyed completing the Toothy Bundle! I assigned this as part of their independent work time during distance learning, the kids were engaged and enjoyed reading the short stories.
Shannon D. –
These were perfect to use as centers or independent work activities. Since we couldn’t meet in small groups or the students couldn’t work together in centers, these digital Toothy task cards still allowed my students to get that center work experience. They served as a great review of a skill we were working on in Reading.
Fresh and Fruitful Teacher –
This was a great resource for online learning! I was able to assign “centers” for students that were fun and engaging! I also used these once we returned in person. Thank you!!
Ashley P. –
I LOVE all TOOTHY resources- this one is no different! I use this resource for in person and distance learning due to COVID.
Sarah S. –
This resource is easy to use but yet fun for students. I love how the Toothy is self checking for students to do on their own. Lots of variety of topics are included as well!
Jessica Kern –
I use this resource ALL OF THE TIME! It is one of my favorite activities to have students complete independently. I wish it would grade it on the computer, but I’ve found a way to make it work and I love it! I would recommend this to anybody!
Leslie I. –
I love toothy cards. My students love getting a “tooth” every time they get a right answer and I love that I don’t have to laminate, cut out and store the cards. Thank you!
Cera N. –
My students had so much fun with this! I used it during independent work time and they were able to start without much direction from me. Great!
Jenna M. –
My students absolutely loved using this resource on their Chromebooks! The task cards kept them engaged and they had so much fun! They were able to work on these task cards independently and I helped a few students one on one who seemed to struggle a bit.
Christina R S. –
My students love completing these toothy activities! I enjoyed them so much when I taught 2nd that when I switched I had to purchase the 3rd grade set also!
Maghan B. –
I love these! I used them during distance learning and I like using them still now that we are back! Thanks for a great resource!
Terri L. –
This resource is a fun way to have students practice reading. My students LOVE Toothy and are engaged the entire time. This is perfect for independent practice/center time and at home learning.
Blair Burak –
This was great to help my students with reading comprehension questions! The passages were not too long and they were able to practice their skills. Thank you!
Michelle H. –
Taught 2nd grade, owned all of the hands-on TOOTHY, taught a 2/3 split last year and purchased all of the third grade. Love being able to differentiate and assign activities to use during independent and whole group review.
Katie H. –
Toothy’s were a must in my second grade classroom and when I moved to third and introduced the students to them, they were hooked!
Renee B. –
Possibly one of my favorite purchases! Students enjoy it when we get to do a toothy assignment. These are great for digital practice at home or in class.
Tiffany Warren –
I love all things Toothy and I had to get this resource to have on hand this past year. I had students in and out of quarantine all the time and I loved having Toothy to assign to them during their absence!
Paige H. –
So thankful you created a digital version of Toothy activities during distance learning! Thank you!!! Great resource and review for my students.
Jahema R. –
I love all of the Toothy games. When I was told that I would be teaching 3rd grade also this year, I knew I had to buy these for my 3rd graders.
Crystal –
I love Toothy Centers and so do my students! I have the paper ones and felt like the students would love the digital ones, and they do! Highly recommend!
MsSmores Store –
My third graders LOVE toothy math so I decided to buy toothy reading as well! They are LOVING it! It is very rigorous and perfect for what I needed during independent centers. I made a binder with all of the answer keys and made a google slide to share out all of the toothy links. Thank you for this awesome resource!
Roylyn T. –
This is a great and engaging way for my students to practice their comprehension skills! Great to use during small group time for students to work on independently. Thank you!
Krista Simpson –
My students loved this resource and I, as the teacher, loved this resource becuase it was a great way to reinforce everything I was already doing but in a different format.
Jennifer H. –
Kiddos love these when they knock the teeth out. Good way to build up reading skills and have good engagement from students.