• u003csvg aria-hidden=u0022trueu0022 focusable=u0022falseu0022 data-prefix=u0022fasu0022 data-icon=u0022shopping-cartu0022 class=u0022svg-inlineu002du002dfa fa-shopping-cart fa-w-18u0022 role=u0022imgu0022 xmlns=u0022http://www.w3.org/2000/svgu0022 viewBox=u00220 0 576 512u0022u003eu003cpath fill=u0022currentColoru0022 d=u0022M528.12 301.319l47.273-208C578.806 78.301 567.391 64 551.99 64H159.208l-9.166-44.81C147.758 8.021 137.93 0 126.529 0H24C10.745 0 0 10.745 0 24v16c0 13.255 10.745 24 24 24h69.883l70.248 343.435C147.325 417.1 136 435.222 136 456c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56s56-25.072 56-56c0-15.674-6.447-29.835-16.824-40h209.647C430.447 426.165 424 440.326 424 456c0 30.928 25.072 56 56 56s56-25.072 56-56c0-22.172-12.888-41.332-31.579-50.405l5.517-24.276c3.413-15.018-8.002-29.319-23.403-29.319H218.117l-6.545-32h293.145c11.206 0 20.92-7.754 23.403-18.681zu0022u003eu003c/pathu003eu003c/svgu003eLogin


New 1st & 2nd grade resources added every week.

Click.  Print.  Teach. 

20,000+ Printables | Lessons | Games | Posters | AND MORE!

All Access At a Glance

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18,000+ printables are just a click away.

Immediate Access to New Resources

No more waiting for the next big sale.


Unlimited access for the cost of two ☕️☕️  a month!

For Teachers, By Teachers

Every resource is designed by experienced teachers, standards-aligned and tested.

Take Back Your Time!

Search, filter or browse by grade level, activity type and subject.

Be the Teacher You Want to Be!

Teach confidently with engaging, targeted, and effective resources.

Includes everything Lucky Little Learners has made in the PAST, will make in the FUTURE, and EXCLUSIVE activities too!


A huge variety of science of reading aligned resources are ready for you inside!  Phonemic awareness activities, phonics-based poems (great for fluency practice!), handwriting printables, and more to give you everything you need for explicit instruction.

Value: $1,500 



Math teaching slides, lesson plans, warm-ups, number talks, mini lessons, collaborations, worksheets, differentiation, assessments, anchor charts, songs, centers, puzzles, color by numbers, and SO much more!

Value: $1,250


Social Studies & Science

Your students will be able to solidify their social studies and science knowledge with our activities!  Goods and services, landforms, inclusive holidays, life cycles, weather, recycling, and animal habitats are just a few of the topics you will find inside.

Value: $1,000 


Social Emotional Learning

Help your students develop their self awareness, self control, and interpersonal skills with our social emotional curriculum and supplemental activities.  We include the lesson plans and the activities for you to incorporate a solid SEL plan in your classroom.

Value: $750 


Classroom Set Up

We understand that teachers need more than just academic activities.  Therefore, we have stocked the website with classroom materials as well.  Posters, lesson planning pages, I can statements, labels, and more are waiting for you.

Value: $500



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Billed Monthly

  • Instant access to 19,000+ printables & activities
  • Unlimited number of downloads
  • VIP pass for new releases
  • Access to product request hotline
  • Create your own bundles
  • Save your favorites or access others’ favorites via wishlists
  • Editable resource library
  • Exclusive Swag Shop Drops




Billed Yearly

  • Instant access to 19,000+ printables & activities
  • Unlimited number of downloads
  • VIP pass for new releases
  • Access to product request hotline
  • Create your own bundles
  • Save your favorites or access others’ favorites via wishlists
  • Editable resource library
  • Exclusive Swag Shop Drops

Frequently Asked Questions

How does LLL All Access work?

All Access is a teacher subscription that grants teachers access to ALL current, future, and exclusive Lucky Little Learners resources. Teachers pay a monthly or yearly fee and they can download anything that they want. Bonus: Our packs and bundles are all split apart into individual downloads so teachers can search and find activity options to match the skill being taught. Our advanced search and filters make finding what you need QUICK as a snap!

Are downloads really unlimited?

Yes, as a paying member, you can download as many teaching resources as you need. Remember that subscriptions only cover a single user and are only available for the duration of the subscription.

Can I differentiate with these printables?

Yes. As a 1st or 2nd grade teacher, you will have access to materials that are one year below and above grade level to help provide opportunities for differentiated practice.

I’ve purchased your resources in your Teachers Pay Teachers shop. Will LLL All Access still be worth it for me?

100%, yes! A huge benefit to All Access is that it’s a quick tool for you to find the exact download that you need. The activities inside the subscription are listed by activity (not bundles). This is a benefit to you because you can find exactly what you need. Just click to download. We also create exclusive activities that won’t be found in our TPT store.

How often do you add new resources to All Access?

We add new resources to All Access every single week.

What if I need help using a resource?

Product guides are available for the resources inside All Access. You can also email us at u003ca href=u0022mailto:allaccess@luckylittlelearners.comu0022u003eallaccess@luckylittlelearners.comu003c/au003e at any time and we’d be happy to help you out.

Will anything be mailed to me?

No, all of our resources are instant, one-click digital downloads. You will need Adobe Reader, a free program to download in order to open most of the resources.

Is there a scope and sequence?

You can download the scope and sequence inside of All Access for 1st and 2nd grade. Inside All Access, you will find printables to teach every single skill found on the scope and sequence. Everything on the scope and sequence is linked directly for quick and easy planning.

Do you accept purchase orders?

Do you offer refunds?

The materials are delivered to you electronically. For that reason, I do not offer refunds. However, if you join the subscription and find it’s not a good fit for you, you can cancel anytime and you won’t be charged again.

Can I cancel at any time?

Yes, just change your subscription service from Paid to Free in your account. You will be able to access all of our resources only for the remainder of your billing period. Easy to cancel.

What are other teachers saying about All Access?

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© Lucky Little Learners.
All Rights Reserved.


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