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Directed Drawings Bundle

(45 customer reviews)

Original price was: $39.00.Current price is: $25.00.

445 pages + 95 videos


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Directed drawings allow your students to strengthen their direction-following skills and build confidence while showing their creativity! Students can follow along with the guided videos included. These directed drawings align with many units, holidays, and events. We have included 95 different images for your students to draw!

Looking for a fresh & creative art activity? The directed drawings can be used for engaging cross-curricular instruction, report covers, and even indoor recess. The step-by-step guidance helps every student be successful. Students can make a calendar for a parent gift with the calendar pages included.

Need a jumpstart for student writing projects? This product comes with 4 different formats for each directed drawing to meet the needs of your class. Includes a writing page for any type of writing. Doing a directed drawing engages even reluctant learners.

Wanting an easy-to-use resource for centers? These fun directed drawings are no-prep – just print and go! This is a great independent, calm activity that produces artwork you can display in your classroom or in the hallway.

445 PAGES & 95 VIDEOS!


Holidays & Seasons Pack

  • 16 different images: scarecrow, pumpkin, fall leaf, haunted house, snowman, Santa, penguin, poinsettia, rainbow, nest, baby chick, leprechaun, palm tree, sailboat, uncle sam hat, sandcastle
  • Each image has four different formats:
    • Guided videos for each image
    • Full-page step-by-step instructions (color & black/white)
    • Drawing page with instructions and space for drawing (color & black/white)
    • Writing page with instructions, space for drawing, and writing lines

Science Pack

  • 17 different images: acorn, cactus, daisy, fish, light bulb, mountains, owl, polar bear, pine tree, rose, seahorse, seaweed, sun, tree, tornado, sunflower, crab
  • Each image has four different formats:
    • Guided videos for each image
    • Full-page step-by-step instructions (color & black/white)
    • Drawing page with instructions and space for drawing (color & black/white)
    • Writing page with instructions, space for drawing, and writing lines

Social Studies Pack

  • 16 different images: USA flag, sugar skull, pilgrim hat, paper bag, recycle symbol, Native American, Mayflower, Liberty bell, Pilgrim girl, plastic jug, elephant, Earth, eagle, White House, donkey, tin can
  • Each image has four different formats:
    • Guided videos for each image
    • Full-page step-by-step instructions (color & black/white)
    • Drawing page with instructions and space for drawing (color & black/white)
    • Writing page with instructions, space for drawing, and writing lines

Characters Pack

  • 16 different images: Alice (or girl), witch, horse, beast, queen, prince, Peter Pan, fairy godmother, Mad Hatter, mermaid, lion, fairy, dwarf/gnome, dragon, Cinderella (princess), Captain Hook (pirate)
  • Each image has four different formats:
    • Guided videos for each image
    • Full-page step-by-step instructions (color & black/white)
    • Drawing page with instructions and space for drawing (color & black/white)
    • Writing page with instructions, space for drawing, and writing lines

Life Cycles Pack

  • 15 different images: butterfly life cycle, penguin life cycle, sunflower life cycle, ant life cycle, ladybug life cycle, rock cycle, water cycle, frog life cycle, pumpkin life cycle, apple life cycle, sea turtle life cycle, spider life cycle, flower life cycle, bat life cycle, bee life cycle
  • Each image has four different formats:
    • Guided videos for each image
    • Full-page step-by-step instructions
    • Drawing page with instructions and space for drawing
    • Writing page with instructions, space for drawing, and writing lines

Just for Fun Pack

  • 15 different images: ice cream, clock tower, clover, crown, heart flower, hot air balloon, house, magic wand, piñata, pirate ship, sled, sweater, taco, teapot, paint palette
  • Each image has four different formats:
    • Guided videos for each image
    • Full-page step-by-step instructions (color & black/white)
    • Drawing page with instructions and space for drawing (color & black/white)
    • Writing page with instructions, space for drawing, and writing lines

Bundle Extras

  • Calendar pages for 2022, 2023, 2024, and 2025
  • Report cover
  • Booklet covers


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Copyright © Lucky Little Learners, LLC.

All rights reserved by author.

Permission to copy for single classroom use only.

Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.

Not for public display.

If you have any questions about this resource, please contact me at customerservice@luckylittlelearners.com

45 reviews for Directed Drawings Bundle

  1. Kelsey L.

    My kids love these! Thank you for a fun way to get writing into our homeschooling day without the groans or sighs that I usually hear when I say we are going to write.

  2. Christopher T.

    Students have fun doing these in the morning as well as practicing their drawing, stamina, and pencil control! A must with the pandemic weakening their skills!

  3. Learning with Lail

    My students loved these! We started using some of them to go along with curriculum, then used others for a Fun Friday activity. Super engaging and user friendly! I love the variety of structures to choose from

  4. Kaileigh B.

    These are awesome, engages students in their topic and allows the creative kids who struggle to write, to show their abilities and then write about them. Awesome resource!

  5. Kristen Arrington

    This is such a great resource! My kids love using this as a “make it Monday” activity in the morning. We will also use this in our writing center. I love that there are so many different layouts too!

  6. Morgan T.

    My students loved using these directed drawing and writing pages! I placed some in my sub tub when I was away on quarantine because they’re so easy for the sub to follow and the students stay engaged while working.

  7. Kim Davison

    I absolutely love these activities. I have been using them as part of my morning work with writing prompts that match the picture they are drawing. It is very engaging for the kids!

  8. Jen V.

    I love having the variety of directed draw options AND a video to showcase how to draw each one! Easy, fun, and engaging!

  9. Jennifer W.

    My students absolutely love these! I have used them in a variety of ways. I put them out in my morning bins, I’ve used them for free writing, so many ways to incorporate them into your day! Thank you very much!

  10. Dina M.

    I really like how you organized these by topics! It makes it so much faster for me to incorporate them into my week…sometimes for fun, other times science, there are a lot of options. I also like that we can just make the drawing or use the writing prompts to go with it. I knew it would be well done, but this has really been more useful than I could have imagined! Thank you for a great product and making my life so much easier!

  11. Chayen

    I loved this resource. I ended up printing all of them back to back and spiraling them so the kids have an art book that they can work on during “free time”. The kids absolutely LOVE it!

  12. Rachel V.

    Love this resource and all resources from Lucky Little Learners! I use these when we have extra time with distance learning. I plan on also using these drawings to create a Christmas present for my students’ families.

  13. Tamara Vail

    We have used this at home with our 1st and 3rd graders. They love learning how to draw new things. It is engaging and fun to watch their excitement.

  14. Morgan Christner

    love this. Students use this as morning work or sometimes with my students who are early finishers. They love this so much.

  15. Nicole H.

    This is so engaging for my students. I use them for early finishers. I love the no prep on my part! I will definitely continue to use this resource.

  16. JKLMentary

    Love this resource! I use this as a writing center activity for my students. They love drawing so this adds an academic aspect to it.

  17. Candace G.

    These have motivated my students to write. They are not as intimidated starting a writing task when I use these activities.

  18. Tami C.

    My class asks for these every week. They love doing the drawings and making up their own stories each week to go with what they drew. It’s a very fun resource.

  19. Jennifer S.

    I love everything from LLL! This resource was awesome which was no surprise. I use it in stations and the kiddos are loving it!! Thank you!

  20. Anika K.

    I use this as my students’ “fun Friday” morning work, and they are always excited for the change in pace! There are lots of fun options to choose from, and the instructions are easy to follow for the age group.

  21. Engineered 4 Education

    My students love directed drawings as a may do for early finishers. They can all follow the directions independently and make a beautiful drawing.

  22. Kayla S.

    I loved using this resource with my students to help differentiate and add interest to certain activities for my students! I have used this resource at different times during the day and it has been been tied into many lessons including math, social studies, science, and reading to just name a few! The product was easy to use!

  23. Second Grade Strong

    This is a great resource to use with my students during work on writing! There is such a wide variety of pictures included for the entire year.

  24. Stephanie K.

    My students used this during independent work time. I like that it includes some writing pages for all the different seasons / holidays as well as some to use anytime. My students loved drawing last year. This resource allowed them to draw and writing at the same time.

  25. Kelly K.

    There are so many uses for this resource! My favorite is using it for Daily Five Work on Writing. My students love to use them for their illustrations and the success they have when they use this tool.

  26. Jamie A.

    Students loved these! We did a few as a whole class, then I would use these as a choice for early finishers and many times these were returned to me to hang on my “Amazing Artists” wall! I love integrating art into lessons and for a creative edge in our classrooms and these are a perfect fit for that! Great resource!

  27. Nicole A.

    This was a great Morning Work resource I used to ease my students back into the school year, after Christmas break. Once we finished all 12 directed drawings I allowed the students to take them home to use as a personal calendar or gift for their parents. They were so excited to take them home to show their families.

  28. TheOneWhereDaniTeaches

    This was a great literacy center for my first grade students. They enjoyed having a variety of designs to work with and getting to create a story to go along with their picture.

  29. Janessa G.

    I loved this resource for use as a parent Christmas gift. The kids did a great job and we’re excited to create something that could be used all next year.

  30. Jordan E.

    My students love this resource! There are so many fun options, as well as differentiated options for the drawing as well as the writing lengths.

  31. Mary Moore

    These directed drawings are such a great idea! I can use them for center time to help kickstart their writing, or to culminate a unit we’ve been studying (have you seen those life cycle ones?!). I also love that there is a calendar option to put together and give to parents at the end of the year. As always, this is another fabulous resource from Lucky Little Learners!

  32. Michael

    I used these today with one of my tutoring students! She loved it! I can’t wait to use htis amazing resource in my classroom! These are amazing!

  33. Brenda C.

    These are wonderful! Tried them with my own kiddos and they were a hit. My students are going to love them! Thank you for including videos and having many options to choose from.

  34. Laura D.

    This is such a great resource that I am excited to use it with my students. I will be using this as an earlier finisher activity as well as, in whole and small groups. Thank you, for creating such amazing and engaging resources to use with all of my students.

  35. Diane T.

    I have been looking for a resource like this for a long time! I have enjoyed doing directed drawings with my students in the past, but I haven’t seen a bundle of them all in one place. These drawings are so beautifully laid out and the directions are so easy for the students to follow. We will do some of these drawings in class on “Fun Fridays”, and also during rainy day/indoor recesses. Thank you so much for this resource!⭐

  36. Beanie’s Backpack

    My students love directed drawings. I’m using the writing pages, which they enjoy. They like to follow the directed drawing and then adding their own little details. Then, they enjoy writing about the drawing they’ve made. Thank you!

  37. Kaitlyn C.

    Such an amazing resource! I am so excited for some of the various pages. These will be perfect for integrating into various lessons, indoor recess, sub days, and so much more.

  38. Jill H.

    I waited for this resource! This resource ties in great with Reading, Writing, Science, or for anyone who is done with their work early. I’m so glad that it’s out and my kiddos can start to enjoy it! Thank you so much for working tirelessly on this!! You ROCK!

  39. Della C.

    We made the cutest calendars for parent Christmas presents and I have used the guided drawing for other fun Fridays as well. All the drawing ideas are easy to follow and turn out so adorable.

  40. Jordan H.

    MY STUDENTS LOVE THESE WRITING AND DRAWING ACTIVITIES. Students look forward to drawing and are able to use pictures to help them write. The drawings align with curriculum and make it easy to tie into other standards.

  41. Sacha B.

    These have been a GODSEND for small groups, early finishers, journal writing, and everything in between. It truly helped my year function more smoothly!

  42. Christina C.

    I found so many uses for these in my class this past year: early finisher activities, themed drawings to go along with our stories, sub activities, quick holiday crafts, etc. It was perfect for my students who were reluctant to try crafts because of the step by step guides.

  43. Victoria Z.

    This is so much fund for the kids when they are doing some free time. It is also great for them to work on during indoor recess. My kids who like to draw work on them with friends and it gives them enough space to draw in too.

  44. Alison L M.

    Gave one of these a try with my students today and they loved it. It really sparked their writing to have a subject to write about, but they could still be creative with their writing.

  45. Amy M.

    My kids LOVE to draw and this makes it so easy to create different images! I’m a horrible drawer so even for me, it’s awesome! Thank you!

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