Place value worksheets provide your students with extra practice with learning and mastering their place value skills.
There are 71 printable and 71 digital place value worksheets in this resource. The digital worksheets are designed in Google Slides™ and can be used in Google Classroom™. These are a perfect option for distance learning!
These are the worksheets & skills included in this resource:
- Building 3-Digit Numbers (Hundreds, Tens, Ones)
- Magical Numbers (Amounts of Hundreds, Tens, Ones)
- Delicious Digits (Value of a Number)
- Understanding 3-Digits (Reading & Writing 3-Digit Numbers)
- Place Value Painting (Base-Ten Blocks to Hundreds)
- Give the Dog a Bone (Understanding Place Value)
- Place Value Party (Writing Standard Form Numbers)
- Place Value Picnic (3-Digit Numbers)
- Roping Up Groups of Ten (Bundles of Ten)
- Searching for Hundreds (Bundles of Ten)
- Working with Hundreds (Bundles of Ten)
- Skipping by Tens (Skip Counting by Tens)
- Number Line Skip Counting (Skip Counting by Tens)
- Ice Cream for Fives (Skip Counting by Fives)
- Making Jumps of Five (Skip Counting by Fives)
- Hero of Hundreds (Skip Counting by Hundreds)
- Skip Counting Hundreds (Skip Counting by Hundreds)
- Skip Counting Review (Skip Counting)
- Counting by Tens and Hundreds (Skip Counting)
- Case of the Missing Numbers (Read & Write Numbers to 1,000)
- Ways to Write a Number (Read & Write Numbers to 1,000)
- Place Value Puzzles (Read & Write Numbers to 1,000)
- 3-Digit Number Charts (Read & Write Numbers to 1,000)
- Fishing for Number Forms (Read & Write Numbers to 1,000)
- Comparing Cats (Comparing Numbers)
- Greater Than, Less Than (Comparing Numbers)
- Comparing Prices (Comparing Numbers)
- Comparing Numbers (Comparing Numbers)
- Racing to be First (Ordering Numbers)
- Order on the Race Track (Ordering Numbers)
- Drops of Addition (2-Digit Addition without Regrouping)
- Adding with Emojis (2-Digit Addition without Regrouping)
- Batter Up Subtraction (2-Digit Subtraction without Regrouping)
- Coffee Shop Subtraction (2-Digit Subtraction without Regrouping)
- Add It Up Popsicles (Adding Multiple 2-Digit Numbers)
- Spinning Big Problems (Adding Multiple 2-Digit Numbers)
- Flying Four-Addend Kites (Adding Multiple 2-Digit Numbers)
- Turtle-y Awesome Addition (2-Digit Addition with Regrouping)
- Put on a Show (2-Digit Addition with Regrouping)
- Kick It To The Top (Mixed Double Digit Addition w/ and w/out Regrouping)
- “Egg-cellent” Addition (Addition to 1,000 with Regrouping)
- Lights, Camera, Addition (Addition to 1,000 with Regrouping)
- Splashing Into Subtraction (2-Digit Subtraction with Regrouping)
- Llama Tell You about Regrouping (2-Digit Subtraction with Regrouping)
- Sea Creature Subtraction (2-Digit Subtraction with Regrouping)
- Dino Subtraction (3-Digit Subtraction with Regrouping)
- Super Tennis Subtraction (3-Digit Subtraction with Regrouping)
- Mental Math Mail (Mental Addition/Subtraction)
- Speedy Mental Math (Mental Addition/Subtraction)
- Spinning for Mental Math (Mental Addition/Subtraction)
- Carnival Mental Math Map (Mental Addition/Subtraction)
- Hundreds, Tens, and Ones (Hundreds, Tens, Ones)
- Camp Place Value (Determine Value of Underlined Digit)
- Pick the Place Value Key (Hundreds, Tens, Ones)
- Loads of Numbers (Hundreds, Tens, Ones)
- Exploring 3-Digit Numbers (Bundles of 10 Tens= 1 Hundred)
- How is it Different? (Understanding Tens & Ones)
- Mystery Numbers (Understanding Place Value)
- Place Value Practice (Place Value)
- Adding 2- and 3-Digit Numbers (Addition & Place Value)
- Shoot Out (Subtraction & Place Value)
- 3-Digit Addition with Regrouping (Addition with Regrouping)
- 3-Digit Subtraction with Regrouping (Subtraction with Regrouping)
- Ready…Set…Go! (Mental Math)
- Adding and Subtracting (Mental Math)
- Spin to Solve (Mental Math)
- Adding Tens and Ones (Adding Tens & Ones)
- Make a New Ten (Make a New Ten)
- Adding 1, 10, or 100 to a Number (Recognizing Patterns & Place Value)
- Time to Work (Place Value & Property Strategies)
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Copyright © Lucky Little Learners, LLC.
All rights reserved by author.
Permission to copy for single classroom use only.
Electronic distribution limited to single classroom use only.
Not for public display.
If you have any questions about this resource, please contact me at
Dayna L. –
This is my all-time, favorite, life-saving, engaging resource of all time. I taught K-5 resource and could implement so many different parts of this pack to help students practice and review skills. They LOVED it too! I had many students asking for more of these PV worksheets! I can’t praise this enough! Best purchase ever!
Alicia N. –
I love all the different worksheets in this resource! I could always find a page for students to review/practice. Thank you!
Ebony L. –
This was helpful for my students to practice the place value standards. There were a variety of engaging tasks for the students to work on.
kelly M. –
I love these practice sheets! These are a great way for my students to learn place value while also keeping them engaged!
Shelli A. –
I use this for my high first graders. It’s so easy to grab and copy and goes right along with what we are already doing. This is just a challenge for some. It’s been so great!
Katherine P. –
These pages are great for extra reinforcement of place value concepts. The kids love them and perfect for multiple levels! Thank you!
Corrine Reilly –
These are great to use whether it’s for independent use before going to their math stations or when I pull small groups to see where the next steps are for each student. I love these!
Tamara P. –
I absolutely loved how child-friendly these activities were. I used them as review activities and my students enjoyed them. I think these activities helped my students to do their best on their unit test.
Sarah Morgan –
I love this resource! There are so many activities included that I could find something for each student to work on. The graphics are student friendly: cute and easy to understand. Thank you for sharing!
Vicky B. –
I used part of this resource with my students as morning work and they loved it. I also used it with my students as a whole group activity and for center activities. Some of it, I used as small group activities with students that were having trouble with certain concepts. These resources were easy to use and easy for my students to understand.
Michelle N. –
Excellent resource for additional support with Place Value. Easy and clear directions and not a lot of extra fluff but very appealing to kids. Keep them focused on the skill and the task. I think you should produce a book of all the math skills.
Sheryl L. –
Perfect resource to supplement our math curriculum during remote learning. Now that we are back in person, I use to for a morning work review.
Terri B. –
These worksheets are great for filling in the gaps in our math program. I use them for graded classwork, homework, and small groups. I would definitely purchase again.
Laura W. –
Super engaging math activity! My students love this activity and ask to use these sheets every day! Love the extra practice!
alex S. –
This bundle comes with an abundance of worksheets for all students! I used some of them as review for my class and some as independent work. I was able to make place value booklets for my students to complete during centers and never ran out of work!
SrG M. –
My children are engaged with these worksheets. It allows me time to work with my small math groups while the rest are doing these fun activities!
Michelle P. –
Excellent source of extra place-value practice. I’ve used these for morning work as a review after teaching the concepts in our math lesson. They are also useful for practice immediately after a lesson while I’m pulling groups or as an activity with a group.
Ashley Charlton –
Extremely beneficial worksheets. Aligned with place value skills in 2nd grade. Perfect supplemental worksheets for my learners.
Kala Boudreau –
These worksheets were great as extra practice and review of previously taught skills. They were great for independent work as well as to use for homework!
Nydia M. –
I love that this resource reinforces the skill of place value in so many different ways. Thank you so much for this amazing product! 🙂
Claudia F. –
This resource is a good resource to review math skills. This is an amazing resource. I used it both with in person students and virtual students. I will continue to use this resource for years to come.
Gillian C. –
This resource was such an important building block for my second garders! I a lot of them struggled with place value and this resource used repetition and multiple example to practice the skills!
Texas Teacher Love –
My students love your this resource, as do I. It has really been helpful to review skills for the beginning of the year.
Renee M. –
I use these ALL THE TIME to supplement my math curriculum. I’ve used them as morning work review, homework, extra practice and reteaching. They are well organized and engaging for my students.
Nicole C. –
These sheets are a great resource to use for review or independent work while working with students in small math groups!
cmcneelyteacherista –
I love that this resource is print and digital! It was perfect for our place value unit and covered many different skills!
Safina Hashim –
My students love using this resource! I love the many options and pages the resource provides for students to practice their place value.
Wendy R. –
A great addition to my place value materials! I am glad that I found this and I like the variety of activities that if offers to my students!
Katelyn Y. –
Absolutely love this!! These sheets are great for extra practice with place value when our math curriculum just doesn’t have enough.
Grace B. –
This resources is jam packed with AMAZING place value practice! My second graders found it easy to understand. One page that I would suggest changing is the 10 more/less 100 more/less, to have the number in the middle. Each time my students moved over a column they were computing for the number they had just written, rather than the number in bold. Nevertheless, I will be coming back to this repeatedly and will be using it in third grade next year!
Beka M. –
This was a wonderful resource for my students! So much variety and activities to help enhance learning! Thank you for making such a wonderful resources!
Nicole R. –
I really enjoyed using this resource with my students. I didn’t have to do any prep with this resource other than printing the worksheets. It allowed me to see if my students were understanding the concept of place value. I also loved the variety of worksheets in the resource. This is a resource I will use each year.
Heather Farnan –
My second grade students really enjoyed this resource. They worked at their own pace, and all experienced success and pride in their work. Thank you for creating such a wonderful item. It was a great addition to our classroom learning environment.
Terri B. –
My students need extensive review and practice in place value and this resource has been perfect to fit the bill. Thank you!
Meagan Albert –
Loved the variety in this resource! I was able to pull a page that matched whatever the teaching point was for the day and was able to quickly assess my students as we moved along in our unit!
Coral in the Classroom –
I like how these sheets cover a variety of skills. For example, determining the place value of a number to +&-10/100, to writing word form. I have used them in 1st and 2nd, center work and one on one tutoring.
Yvonne Folmar –
I have been using these worksheets to teach my daughter place value rather than doing a bunch of fancy things and these have been so helpful and easy. There is just enough practice to get the point across. We worked through from the beginning to end in the order that it is. Success!
Jamie May –
My kids love these pages because they have cute graphics! I love them because my students are getting tons of extra practice!
Liz Crites –
Thanks for a great resource. My students were very engaged and had so much fun learning. Helped with reassessing and reteaching.
Cherie D. –
This was an easy no prep resource to use with my class as a year end review of place value. I loved having so many options to choose from in this packet. This coming school year we plan on using it as a starting review in the fall, as a spiral review throughout the year, and will finish with a year end review. No prep makes it even better!
Carrie M. –
This resource was exactly what I was looking for to supplement my instruction. It increased my students’ engagement and learning.
Audrianna J. –
I loved using this resource for days when my students had a substitute teacher. I also used this resource for additional practice for students who needed some remediation. This is great for place value in 2nd grade!
Amy Hamel –
I used this resource for center work while I worked with small groups. It was good for the kids to get practice on specific skills.
Tracey C. –
I use this resource in my special education classroom during explicit instruction, as well as independent practice. I am also able to progress monitor to assess mastery toward IEP goals.
Alice M. –
This was a wonderful resource. My students really enjoyed completing this! They were able to complete it all on their own.
Filina N. –
I used this resource in my first grade classroom. It was easy to use, instrumental in teaching skills and my students loved it!
Jessica Accomazzo –
Extra place value practice is always helpful. These can be left in a sub binder or put on document camera for a few minutes of practice.
Lisa Y. –
I teach multigrade K-4 and so I am always looking for “math on my own” jobs for my students to complete while other grade groups are with me for “math with teacher” time. I am always looking for jobs they can complete independently or with a partner and that give them continued practise with current math learning or spiraling back. This resource is perfect for math on my own, thank you!